I’m linking up with Liz at a Belle, Bean, and a Chicago Dog. She started this great meme to show the people who leave comments on your blog that you do read them and you definitely APPRECIATE them!
Y’all have me laughing out loud & feeling very moved with each of your comments on a daily basis. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have people who stop by here & make my day!
From #wineparty on twitter & the blog…from TV to Frostbite…from having multiple children & surviving sleep deprivation…to blog design contests & serious stuff like depression… Here we go! (All quotes are from tweets or posts from this week! Sun-Fri)
Thanks for sharing, at these times the people around us, are so important, negative people, complaining people are just to draining when you are already feeling down. But best of all, when we learn to identify it and do something about it. Have a blessed 2011.
And really, my blood just started boiling that that teacher would act that way toward you. My heart sort of broke a lot thinking of you as a 10 year old being ridiculed by an adult IN FRONT of the class. So lame. That woman should be punched.
Get him while he’s watching football, or playing video games. We never pay attention when we’re playing video games (in regards to me talking Todd into an iphone.)
It’s hard when family is so far. No one for those emergency calls. Must build friend network… Only hope.
My friend went for a 3rd [kid] and got twins! Surprise!
I have a cousin who had his last [kid] when he was 57! I think I would cry.
Are you expecting a new disruption of sleep? (By the way fam & friends, we are NOT expecting a new disruption of sleep…)
Are all the #wineparty people Moms??? What does that say about us? In response to that question: It says that we r sleep deprived & exhausted! need a break!
I’m working on a post for our MoMs group about everything it takes to get out of the house during winter….all the layers and socks and shoes and blankets and hats and scarves…by the time I get the girls dressed, I’m usually sweating, and I don’t want to deal with wearing a coat myself. I figure I’ll just walk fast. HA!
Already voted, and you were already in 1st place! You’re welcome haha.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like what you see & will subscribe to my blog via Email and/or visit my Facebook page so you can see all the posts! Or look for me on Twitter so we can chat!
I love this post. Hey good luck with getting that iPhone.
Congratulations, your wish is our command………..
Haha this is a fun post. Keep up the good work and wouldnt mind a quote for a new site