Baby Lboy is about to turn One! Excuse me for a moment as I burst into tears at the thought of my baby becoming a toddler & clap with sheer joy & excitement at the fact it’s finally time to celebrate his FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!
What are our plans?!!!
- We are having family/friends come to the house on May 22 around 1:00 (not his actual bday though)Â to have bbq, a custom made cake, & to open presents!
- We are having a Dr. Seuss Themed Birthday–Thank you Alicia @ Andie Rae Photography for helping me come up with the theme. Why in the heck do you have to live in the OC?!! PLEEEAAASEE come take the pictures,screw your mortgage–[enter guilt trip here!]
- Decorations galore (I hope!) I’m thinking helium balloons everywhere, wall hangings, cute invites….a petting zoo, the circus, a trip to the moon, & anything else outlandish & totally age inappropiate b/c yes, I’m going insane with this party!
- To blog about everything so that all my new bloggy friends will “be at the party” & celebrating with us!
I’m going to be sharing a post a week about all the work that will be going into the planning process! And I will have pics! I’ll also have everything up in a tab called “Birthday Bash”….seriously can’t wait!
If you haven’t noticed, I am sooooo obnoxiously PUMPED about this day (if you haven’t noticed by all of the exorbitant times I used an exclamation mark!)
What cute things did you do/or are you going to do for your baby’s first birthday?!! Please share, maybe I can use some of them!
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like what you see & will subscribe to my blog via Email and/or visit my Facebook page so you can see all the posts! Or look for me on Twitter so we can chat!
happy 1st bday!! i remember when my babies were one… lol. my son will be 8 on sat. time has gone so quick. enjoy all the moments you can!
*sigh* i am sure i will think of something.
i still dont know what to do for lil mans bday
I LOVE Dr. Seuss! If there were more options, I would have done one of my nurseries in it.
Thanks OM! WOW 8! That's going to be a busy birthday! I guess first birthdays are really more for the parents & the for the photo op! Good luck planning the bday party!
Lizzy: I do too! I wish I would have thought of doing a nursey as dr. seuss! Maybe the next one?! But you're right, there are prolly aren't a lot of options–I bet you could use a lot of color though & maybe make some of your own wall hangings–Okay, I think I'm sold for future baby #2!
Happy first birthday!!!!
I have an award for you on my blog!
oh, adorable! Love the Seuss theme!
We went low key on the first bday as most of my family is not nearby. It kind of made me sad, but then some cousins wound up being in town and it felt more like a party!
Hmm – only funny thought was we put her in this very pretty dress, but she wasn't walking yet and kept crawling "up" it (inside the dress) so that it would pull and she'd get stuck. Poor kid. I changed her to pants after the initial "look how cute I am!" moments.
Oh congrats. You sound like such a proud mommy. And the Dr. Sesus theme is going to be awesome. Good luck with what ever plans are for breastfeeding after 1. I am sure it will be what is best for your family.
Thanks Missy! I'll head over there & check it out!
Baby Sweetness: That's kind of how my family is, they all live away. So it's not going to be as big as it would be if we would travel to where they are-but I really want the party to be in HIS house, not my parents'.
Thanks pchanner! Wish I could take credit for coming up with the Dr. Seuss theme! But I think it's going to be awesome! Thanks for stopping by!
Baby Sweetness: That's cute about the dress! I put lil dude in outfits all the time that are for the first few "OMG! He's so cute" moments & then he usually ends up in a diaper & t-shirt. lol
Kate- if you decide to do a Dr. Seuss themed nursery I want to paint the characters!!! That sounds like so much fun!
Anne, I will let you! I would still let you paint trees in the current nursery, where no baby has slept!