You have a husband who is obsessed with gaming. I mean OBSESSED! And you really don’t mind listening to his geeked out monologues about why xbox 360 is so awesome BECAUSE…..
You call his xbox Nintendo. It drives him nuts. And the convo goes something like this:
Todd: “Kate, it is NOT a nintendo. It’s an xbox. Nintendos are made by a different company.”
Me: “Whatever. Wanna hear about my blog?” At which point I read off all my comments from the day or make him read my favorite sections of my post from the day just so he can acknowledge the sheer genius that I am.
It’s true love when…
All your weekends during football season revolve around Saturday games. Your family & friends quit offering invitations to do things on the weekends because they know that you will be:
1. watching football 2. watching football 3. watching football
Your husband listens to bitch whine about his precious football teams. I mean seriously, you are starting to talk like a dude and by that I mean, you can speak, yes speak FOOTBALL. And you quite honestly it depresses you (until you’re in a social situation with a bunch of Todd’s friends & you bust out with “So, do you think that the coach has done enough recruiting of his running backs this season? Because the quarterbacks seems a little uneasy & it might be better if they had a running offense instead of a passing offense.” At which point you look at their dead pan looks because yes, someone with estrogen, boobs wearing 4 inch heels & lots of pink just said that and yes she actually knew what she was talking about. And yes, that makes my hot-o-meter sky rocket.)
It’s true love when…
Your husband gets up on a weekend at 6:30 in the AM with the kid so you can sleep in. And you didn’t even have to ask. And because he got up so willingly, with no complaint, & especially because you didn’t ask him to do it, you really don’t mind reciprocating the favor.
Awww isn't that awesome?! 😀 This post reminds me of my parents inlaws. They are huge Gators fans and college basketball games.
Thanks for sharing! My hubby is a certified couch potato, and there are times when I wish that he isn't but I rationalize that this is certainly better than regular drinking nights with friends. So I have come to appreciate him for being that. lol!
All apply to my home and relationship also. Gaming, football and sleeping in. 🙂
I have read a number of posts on this site now and just weantd to point out that I absolutely love how you manage to word and also explain everything, it makes it very easy to read through. I also totally agree with everything you have stated here, these kind of things are very important to the world and the faster we all realize it the better we will be off as a whole.
I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
LOL. To be honest, I often wake up to take care of our daughter, cook, clean, etc…with this very thing in mind.
hot-o-meter 🙂 and everybody knows that any gaming system can be referred to as a "nintendo". haha
Awww….Love it! I really like the first one…
Doug always talks about work, or hunting, or this or that, so I start babbling about my blog, and he just kinda looks at me… hehehe
Thanks for this! God has surely blessed us with beautiful marriages! I have just been gushing about my husband to my FB friends and quite honestly, I am so blessed to have him, quirks and all. 🙂
Gamer – check (only he's addicted to Starcraft 2 and World of Warcraft, the latter which I used to play with him)
Sports – check (only his is basketball and I don't know what the heck he's talking about LOL)
Hands-on father and husband – check and check! He works from home and when he is able to take a break, he takes the Little Miss so that I can take one too. 🙂
I love when Luke talks to me about his fantasy football team like they are a REAL TEAM. Now I know they are real people and real players, but most of them are not on the same team IN REAL LIFE. But then again, that's why it's called FANTASY football.
On the other hand, we do LIVE FOR college football in the fall. He loves to watch it, I love to host a party for it, it's a win-win for our family.
I feel your pain! My husband vices are Surfing, Golfing and building/flying (ready for this) Model airplanes!!! I swear he didn't do that before I married him! HOLY COW, not fair!!!
Then again, I do make him listen to me talk about my girlfriend drama, twitter drama, and everything else that goes along with being a girl on the internet!
I think he got up early with the kiddos because you ROCK that football talk, baby! What a crack-up about the xbox/nintendo….my son dies when I don't get it right.
Oh I am SUCH a football fan and dedicate about half the year to watching games!! And hopefully go to some too!
Oh I love a man who does something you REALLY appreciate without having been asked to do it! Best gift EVER!
I've never had that happen when a husband gets up to let the mom sleep in. I am confused an amazed!
The hubs isn't actually a couch potatoe… but LOVES to drag me to his baseball games. I think it's cute when he tries to teach me factoids here in there… while the whole time, I'm writing my next blog in my head.
that's our love. lol
Good ones!
My husband as a Wii so I just tell him Nintendo is for 6 year olds. 😉
I could hardly believe myself when I said the other day "If he would watch the blitz, that would not be a problem!"
Oh the things we learn from our husbands! Does yours love the Madden game? What is with the Madden game?