I have a good friend who is moving 0ut of state. And in order to send her off in style all the girls are going out to party hard (aka, we’ll go out to eat, have 1 beer a piece {maybe}, go home at 10:30, & then wake up feeling hung over. Momhood right?! ;))
I decided to party it up in style & I bought into {what I think is} a really fun fashion fad: {Faux} Leather Leggings.
Here are the leggings I bought, from Amazon.com no less: Click here or on the image to buy them for yourself 😉
Since the pants are so “loud”, I’m going to keep it relatively simple. A cream blouse, some simple gold jewelry, & some classic black pumps. And I might add a faux fur vest. Yup, that can be fashion fad #2 I’m crazy about these days. Don’t worry, I’ll never do the mullet dress.
My Faux Leather Leggings {here}/Forever 21 Blouse {here}/Fur vest {here}/Coach Lizzie Pumps {here}/Bracelet {here}/Watch {here}/Rings {here}/For more favorites see {here}
PS The Coach pumps were gifted from the best father-in-law ever. If you’d like something similar but for less, here’s a great pair: BCBGeneration Black Pumps.
Would you ever buy leather leggings? Or is there another fad you love that you have been wanting to try out?
*I bought everything with my own money or they were gifted to me. I’m not being paid to promote anything. All opinions are my own.
Oh. My Goodness. You are SO SO SO brave. Of course, if I had 4 foot legs I would probably do this too. Needless to say, my legs are more like 2 feet, so we’ll be staying away from leather leggins, faux or no! Have fun!
Kerri Most Recent Post…Purely MG
hahaha! Kerri you’re funny! I never branch out when it comes to clothing, I always keep it very safe & Audrey Hepburn-esk. This time I decided to be a little different. I’ll be Audrey later! lol
Needless to say, my mother is mortified. She informed that she does not want to see me in them. haha (She’s joking…I think? ;)) I of course sent her a picture of me in them as soon as I got them in the mail! lol
I demand pictures of YOU in these! I know you rocked them, but I want to see the full effect!!
Kim Most Recent Post…Doing What I’m Told . . . And Trusting God
Oh trust me, I will be taking pictures! I’m in search of the perfect pairings to go with them! When I finally have the whole outfit together I will post them *pinky promise*
I’ve always been acvite on the internet but since joining the beauty community I’ve definitely felt a different sort of inspiration. I am, for the first time, seriously considering a youtube channel. I’m really self conscious but every day I watch people the more inspired I get. I’m glad you got there and I’m excited to see what is to come for both you and me in the new year!
Oh, I bet you are going to ROCK IT! I will not be wearing leather leggings unless this running that I’m doing miraculously transforms my legs. Nuh uh.
Greta @gfunkified Most Recent Post…Bicker Like Sisters #iPPP
Where are the pictures of you wearing said leather leggings???
Jessica Most Recent Post…How to Drink More Water