A. I live to drive my OCD husband nuts.
B. It’s a built in burglar system. Who needs ADT or Brinks Home Security when you have all kinds of shit toys in the floor that are so hazardous they can be used to deter all criminal from ever breaking into the home. I don’t need a “Beware of Dog” sign, I need a “Beware of Child” sign.
C. When the kid dumps his food into the floor I just assume that if I leave the food there it’s so much easier to let the kid & dog eat off the floor. It cuts supper time in half. I mean seriously, I get tired of the hassle of feeding both of them. Next up, I’ll just tell Todd that from now on all meals will be served off the carpet.
D. I want someone to call DHS after seeing the hoarding mess I have. I’d LOVE to be that mom!
E. The terrible smell of diapers & rotting food in my floor will not only keep out above said criminals, but will also keep away people who really get on my nerves.
F. I put the “fun” in dysfunctional.
G. I figure that if it gets messy enough then I can go on a reality TV show.
H. I want my child to grow up ashamed of our house & afraid to bring his friends over. Remember how I told you that I don’t like kids? Keep those brats out of my house!
I. I would much rather ignore my house & do blog design.
Obviously, I’m joking about all of these. The truth is my 16 mo keeps me on my toes. I can spend all day cleaning and at the end of the day I have nothing to show for it. So I have given up, I have decided that I prefer to have food thrown all over the place.
How do you keep your house clean with little ones who are constantly trying to “help” you along the way?
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I remember those days! I would just take care of the emergencies during the day and clean after bedtime. Doesn't make for the most relaxing evening, but I needed to start fresh in the morning for my own sanity.
yeah! i hear you on that one…sometimes it just feels so good to think to yourself"oh screw it, if i pick it up now in ten minutes i'd have to pick it up again!'
my has a room of his own to play in…he unpacks his toybox and leaves a trail of toys down the passage, into my room and into the lounge! as if he would not be able to find his way back to his room and he is leaving a trail of bread crumbs just in case!
"hek! it's too much!" lol
Eventually I just accepted naked Barbie dolls as part of the "cluttered look". It leads me to believe that eventually I could become desensitized to anything.
Sometimes I get angry watching the show Clean House. I feel like I keep my house clean and throw away all my junk… and nobody rewards me with a fantastic home makeover
I'll go with B, although I can vouch for C because we, too, have a dog.
LOL, this was too funny! I too can vouch for C because I have a dog who will happily help me clean up the floor LOL. I myself just try not to care to much during the day and do what I can. Then I do a quick pickup after the kids are in bed. It is a never ending process I am afraid to tell you. I have an OCD hubby too so I feel your pain!
i liked #1. that would be my husband and his dad.
hubs walked in to the door yesterday to oldest child doing a english project all over the kitchen island…lily had just taken all the pillows off the couches and piled them on the floor and i was doing a craft project on the table. i could almost see his neck twitching hahahahaha
i went to him and gave him a hug and said it would be ok…it's part of being a family! shesh…
I totally do the dogs eating off the floor thing. Snack for them, "clean" floor for me.
Nothing wrong with that!
Ha! I'm a tad bit OCD… so we're pretty tidy… but man I totally agree about keeping out neighbor kids! lol
haha I love this! My house is pretty clean but Emma's room is a PIT! My BIL and MIL and even Husband love to let her destroy it and I hate to have to make her clean it….she is not the best listener when it comes to cleaning!